Bethel (IN) vs. William Carey
(11/18/2021 at Marshall, MO)
Bethel (IN) (16-4-2) vs.
William Carey (15-4-0)
Goals by period 1 2 Tot
Bethel (IN)......... 2 0 - 2
William Carey....... 0 0 - 0
Bethel (IN)
# Player POS SH SOG G A Min
1 Finn Popescu........ * g - - - - 90
4 Willian dos Santos.. * d - - - - 90
6 Jefter Pereira...... * d - - - - 90
9 Matheus Santiago.... * m 2 2 1 1 90
11 Anu Alemanji........ * f - - - - 76
15 Luyando Makala...... * d - - - - 90
16 Richie Ontiveros.... - - - - 59
19 Naieem Bean......... * f 1 1 1 - 37
20 Alejandro Murillo... - - - - 49
22 Andrew Argueta...... * m - - - - 41
25 Samuel Thomas....... * d - - - - 90
26 Andre de Freitas.... 1 - - - 53
27 Miguel Martins...... * m - - - - 45
28 Kyle Van Ooteghem... - - - - 0
29 Isaac Nunez......... * m - - - 1 90
TM Team................ - - - - 0
  Totals.............. 4 3 2 2 990
William Carey
# Player POS SH SOG G A Min
2 Nicolo Lai.......... 1 - - - 0
3 Reece Harrison...... * d 1 - - - 41
4 Joao Vitor.......... * d - - - - 90
5 Sacha Vandersteene.. * d 1 - - - 90
6 Thomas Franze....... * f - - - - 90
7 Silvio Xavier....... * f 4 3 - - 90
9 Juan Sanchez-Cespedes Gomez - - - - 0
10 Caoimhin McConnell.. * f 1 - - - 90
11 Ignacio Palacio..... * d - - - - 90
12 Clairy Kengeye...... * d - - - - 90
13 Brandon Bermingham.. * f 2 - - - 90
14 Juan Ruiz Cabello... * f 7 2 - - 90
18 Thomas Gray......... - - - - 0
23 Marko Stojak........ 1 - - - 0
24 Djordje Djukovic.... 1 - - - 0
26 Alessandro Villarreal 1 - - - 49
32 Buenyamin Yusufoglu. * gk - - - - 90
TM Team................ - - - - 0
  Totals.............. 20 5 0 0 990
Bethel (IN)
# Player SOG GA Saves Min
1 Finn Popescu........ * 5 - 5 90:00
William Carey
# Player SOG GA Saves Min
32 Buenyamin Yusufoglu. * 3 2 1 90:00
Shots by period 1 2 Tot
Bethel (IN)......... 4 0 - 4
William Carey....... 9 11 - 20
Saves by period 1 2 Tot
Bethel (IN)......... 4 1 - 5
William Carey....... 1 0 - 1
Corner Kicks 1 2 Tot
Bethel (IN)......... 1 0 - 1
William Carey....... 3 3 - 6
Fouls 1 2 Tot
Bethel (IN)......... 5 5 - 10
William Carey....... 5 6 - 11
GOAL Time/Team Goal Scorer Assists Description
1. 10:00 - B( Matheus Santiago Isaac Nunez *Shot from right side of goal, 5yds out
2. 33:22 - B( Naieem Bean Matheus Santiago Shot from top left corner of box, to opp
YC - B( #15 (50:10) YC - WC #5 (55:28);
Stadium: Volney C. Ashford; Game Length: 1:56; Attendance: 0
Officials: Referee: Robert Sorey;
Asst. Referee: Rich Hudnut; Esad Omanovic;
Scorer: Andrew Pulverenti;