Official Volleyball Box Score

Midland vs. Marian

12/1/2021 at 3:30 PM
@ Sioux City, IA (Tyson Event Center)
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Midland (25-6) 19 25 22 21 1
Marian (34-2) 25 18 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  MIDLAND starters: Brooke Fredrickson; Abbey Ringler; Maggie Sempeck; Lauryn Samuelson; Hope Leimbach; Taliyah Flores.  
  MARIAN starters: Sarah Spangler; Alison Dreves; Lexi Spence; Jai-Lyn Norwood; Averi Lanman; Skyler Van Note.  
1-0 [Hope Leimbach] Attack error by Skyler Van Note. Point MIDLAND
2-0 [Hope Leimbach] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Hope Leimbach] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 2-1
3-1 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
  MIDLAND subs: Cortlyn Schaefer.  
4-1 [Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Averi Lanman (block by Cortlyn Schaefer; Lauryn Samuelson). Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Kill by Sarah Spangler (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 4-2
[Gianna Feld] Kill by Jai-Lyn Norwood (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 4-3
[Gianna Feld] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer (block by Sarah Spangler; Jai-Lyn Norwood). Point MARIAN 4-4
[Gianna Feld] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MARIAN 4-5
5-5 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Delanie Vallinch] Service error. Point MARIAN 5-6
6-6 [Katie Hardegree] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Jessie Moss] Kill by Madison Brooks (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 6-7
[Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 6-8
7-8 [Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Cortlyn Schaefer (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
8-8 [Maggie Sempeck] Service ace (Maggie Meyer). Point MIDLAND
9-8 [Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Taliyah Flores. Point MIDLAND
[Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Jai-Lyn Norwood (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 9-9
[Maggie Meyer] Attack error by Abbey Ringler. Point MARIAN 9-10
10-10 [Maggie Meyer] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Cheyenne Mahnke] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Maggie Meyer). Point MARIAN 10-11
11-11 [Lexi Spence] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Hope Leimbach] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson (block by Averi Lanman; Skyler Van Note). Point MARIAN 11-12
12-12 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Service error. Point MARIAN 12-13
[Gianna Feld] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MARIAN 12-14
[Gianna Feld] Kill by Lexi Spence (from Skyler Van Note). Point MARIAN 12-15
  Timeout Midland.  
13-15 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Sarah Spangler (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 13-16
[Katie Hardegree] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 13-17
14-17 [Katie Hardegree] Service error. Point MIDLAND
[Jessie Moss] Kill by Jai-Lyn Norwood (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 14-18
15-18 [Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Cortlyn Schaefer (from Hope Leimbach), block error by Madison Brooks. Point MIDLAND
[Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Katie Hardegree), block error by Abbey Ringler. Point MARIAN 15-19
[Maggie Meyer] Attack error by Taliyah Flores (block by Madison Brooks; Averi Lanman). Point MARIAN 15-20
  Timeout Midland.  
[Maggie Meyer] Attack error by Abbey Ringler (block by Averi Lanman; Skyler Van Note). Point MARIAN 15-21
16-21 [Maggie Meyer] Service error. Point MIDLAND
  MIDLAND subs: Saige Craven; Savanna Austin-Berge; Lauryn Samuelson.  
17-21 [Cheyenne Mahnke] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Saige Craven). Point MIDLAND
[Cheyenne Mahnke] Kill by Averi Lanman (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 17-22
18-22 [Lexi Spence] Service error. Point MIDLAND
[Hope Leimbach] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 18-23
[Skyler Van Note] Attack error by Lauryn Samuelson. Point MARIAN 18-24
19-24 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Kill by Sarah Spangler (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 19-25
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  MIDLAND subs: Brooke Fredrickson; Abbey Ringler; Maggie Sempeck; Taliyah Flores; Hope Leimbach; Lauryn Samuelson.  
  MARIAN subs: Sarah Spangler; Alison Dreves; Lexi Spence; Jai-Lyn Norwood; Skyler Van Note; Averi Lanman.  
1-0 [Lexi Spence] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
  MIDLAND subs: Cortlyn Schaefer.  
[Taliyah Flores] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 1-1
  MARIAN subs: Michaela Hoffa.  
2-1 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
3-1 [Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Abbey Ringler (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 3-2
  MARIAN subs: Gianna Feld.  
4-2 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach), block error by Michaela Hoffa. Point MIDLAND
5-2 [Jessie Moss] Service ace (Skyler Van Note). Point MIDLAND
[Jessie Moss] Attack error by Abbey Ringler (block by Jai-Lyn Norwood; Michaela Hoffa). Point MARIAN 5-3
[Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer (block by Jai-Lyn Norwood; Madison Brooks). Point MARIAN 5-4
[Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer (block by Madison Brooks). Point MARIAN 5-5
6-5 [Katie Hardegree] Kill by Cortlyn Schaefer (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
7-5 [Maggie Sempeck] Attack error by Michaela Hoffa. Point MIDLAND
8-5 [Maggie Sempeck] Attack error by Jai-Lyn Norwood. Point MIDLAND
[Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Jai-Lyn Norwood (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 8-6
9-6 [Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
10-6 [Cheyenne Mahnke] Attack error by Skyler Van Note (block by Hope Leimbach; Lauryn Samuelson). Point MIDLAND
[Cheyenne Mahnke] Ball handling error by Hope Leimbach. Point MARIAN 10-7
11-7 [Maggie Meyer] Attack error by Skyler Van Note (block by Lauryn Samuelson). Point MIDLAND
[Hope Leimbach] Service error. Point MARIAN 11-8
12-8 [Lexi Spence] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
13-8 [Taliyah Flores] Service ace (Alison Dreves). Point MIDLAND
14-8 [Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Averi Lanman. Point MIDLAND
  Timeout Marian.  
15-8 [Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Skyler Van Note (block by Lauryn Samuelson). Point MIDLAND
16-8 [Taliyah Flores] Kill by Cortlyn Schaefer (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
17-8 [Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Skyler Van Note. Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Kill by Sarah Spangler (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 17-9
[Skyler Van Note] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson (block by Averi Lanman; Michaela Hoffa). Point MARIAN 17-10
18-10 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
19-10 [Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
  Timeout Marian.  
[Delanie Vallinch] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MARIAN 19-11
20-11 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Abbey Ringler (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
21-11 [Jessie Moss] Attack error by Jai-Lyn Norwood (block by Abbey Ringler; Cortlyn Schaefer). Point MIDLAND
[Jessie Moss] Kill by Sarah Spangler (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 21-12
[Katie Hardegree] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 21-13
22-13 [Katie Hardegree] Service error. Point MIDLAND
23-13 [Maggie Sempeck] Attack error by Jai-Lyn Norwood. Point MIDLAND
[Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 23-14
[Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Skyler Van Note). Point MARIAN 23-15
24-15 [Sydney Schaffer] Attack error by Madison Brooks (block by Abbey Ringler). Point MIDLAND
[Cheyenne Mahnke] Kill by Jai-Lyn Norwood (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 24-16
[Maggie Meyer] Attack error by Taliyah Flores. Point MARIAN 24-17
[Maggie Meyer] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 24-18
  MIDLAND subs: Saige Craven; Savanna Austin-Berge.  
  Timeout Midland.  
25-18 [Maggie Meyer] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
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  MIDLAND subs: Brooke Fredrickson; Abbey Ringler; Maggie Sempeck; Hope Leimbach; Taliyah Flores; Lauryn Samuelson.  
  MARIAN subs: Sarah Spangler; Alison Dreves; Lexi Spence; Skyler Van Note; Jai-Lyn Norwood; Averi Lanman.  
[Hope Leimbach] Attack error by Lauryn Samuelson. Point MARIAN 0-1
  MARIAN subs: Michaela Hoffa.  
[Skyler Van Note] Attack error by Lauryn Samuelson. Point MARIAN 0-2
1-2 [Skyler Van Note] Service error. Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Service error. Point MARIAN 1-3
[Gianna Feld] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer (block by Sarah Spangler; Jai-Lyn Norwood). Point MARIAN 1-4
[Gianna Feld] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MARIAN 1-5
  Timeout Midland.  
[Gianna Feld] Kill by Sarah Spangler. Point MARIAN 1-6
2-6 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Skyler Van Note), block error by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MARIAN 2-7
[Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer. Point MARIAN 2-8
[Katie Hardegree] Kill by Jai-Lyn Norwood (from Madison Brooks). Point MARIAN 2-9
3-9 [Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Skyler Van Note. Point MIDLAND
4-9 [Jessie Moss] Kill by Cortlyn Schaefer (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
5-9 [Jessie Moss] Attack error by Michaela Hoffa. Point MIDLAND
6-9 [Jessie Moss] Attack error by Jai-Lyn Norwood (block by Abbey Ringler; Cortlyn Schaefer). Point MIDLAND
  Timeout Marian.  
[Jessie Moss] Service error. Point MARIAN 6-10
[Sydney Schaffer] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer (block by Jai-Lyn Norwood; Madison Brooks). Point MARIAN 6-11
[Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 6-12
[Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Madison Brooks (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 6-13
  Timeout Midland.  
[Sydney Schaffer] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer (block by Jai-Lyn Norwood; Madison Brooks). Point MARIAN 6-14
7-14 [Sydney Schaffer] Service error. Point MIDLAND
8-14 [Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 8-15
9-15 [Maggie Meyer] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
  MIDLAND subs: Saige Craven; Savanna Austin-Berge.  
[Cheyenne Mahnke] Attack error by Taliyah Flores (block by Averi Lanman; Madison Brooks). Point MARIAN 9-16
10-16 [Lexi Spence] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
11-16 [Hope Leimbach] Attack error by Averi Lanman. Point MIDLAND
12-16 [Hope Leimbach] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Hope Leimbach] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 12-17
13-17 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
14-17 [Taliyah Flores] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MIDLAND
15-17 [Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Sarah Spangler (block by Lauryn Samuelson; Cortlyn Schaefer). Point MIDLAND
16-17 [Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Sarah Spangler. Point MIDLAND
  Timeout Marian.  
17-17 [Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Sarah Spangler (block by Lauryn Samuelson; Cortlyn Schaefer). Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 17-18
[Gianna Feld] Attack error by Lauryn Samuelson (block by Sarah Spangler; Jai-Lyn Norwood). Point MARIAN 17-19
18-19 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
19-19 [Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Delanie Vallinch). Point MIDLAND
[Delanie Vallinch] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MARIAN 19-20
[Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer. Point MARIAN 19-21
[Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer. Point MARIAN 19-22
[Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Abbey Ringler. Point MARIAN 19-23
20-23 [Katie Hardegree] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Jessie Moss] Service error. Point MARIAN 20-24
21-24 [Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
22-24 [Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Taliyah Flores. Point MIDLAND
[Maggie Sempeck] Attack error by Taliyah Flores. Point MARIAN 22-25
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  MIDLAND subs: Brooke Fredrickson; Abbey Ringler; Maggie Sempeck; Lauryn Samuelson; Hope Leimbach; Taliyah Flores.  
  MARIAN subs: Sarah Spangler; Alison Dreves; Lexi Spence; Jai-Lyn Norwood; Skyler Van Note; Averi Lanman.  
[Lexi Spence] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MARIAN 0-1
1-1 [Lexi Spence] Kill by Lauryn Samuelson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Service error. Point MARIAN 1-2
2-2 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
3-2 [Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
4-2 [Delanie Vallinch] Attack error by Michaela Hoffa. Point MIDLAND
[Delanie Vallinch] Attack error by Abbey Ringler. Point MARIAN 4-3
5-3 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Abbey Ringler (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
6-3 [Jessie Moss] Service ace (Skyler Van Note). Point MIDLAND
[Jessie Moss] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Michaela Hoffa). Point MARIAN 6-4
[Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer. Point MARIAN 6-5
[Katie Hardegree] Kill by Jai-Lyn Norwood (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 6-6
7-6 [Katie Hardegree] Kill by Abbey Ringler (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Maggie Sempeck] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 7-7
[Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Madison Brooks, block error by Abbey Ringler. Point MARIAN 7-8
[Sydney Schaffer] Attack error by Taliyah Flores. Point MARIAN 7-9
[Sydney Schaffer] Attack error by Abbey Ringler. Point MARIAN 7-10
  Timeout Midland.  
8-10 [Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Cheyenne Mahnke] Attack error by Taliyah Flores. Point MARIAN 8-11
9-11 [Maggie Meyer] Kill by Hope Leimbach (from Delanie Vallinch). Point MIDLAND
[Hope Leimbach] Kill by Skyler Van Note (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 9-12
10-12 [Lexi Spence] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
11-12 [Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Skyler Van Note (block by Lauryn Samuelson; Cortlyn Schaefer). Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson (block by Averi Lanman; Skyler Van Note). Point MARIAN 11-13
12-13 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Cortlyn Schaefer (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
13-13 [Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Abbey Ringler (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Delanie Vallinch] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 13-14
14-14 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Jessie Moss] Kill by Michaela Hoffa (from Lexi Spence). Point MARIAN 14-15
15-15 [Katie Hardegree] Kill by Cortlyn Schaefer (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Maggie Sempeck] Attack error by Abbey Ringler (block by Jai-Lyn Norwood; Michaela Hoffa). Point MARIAN 15-16
16-16 [Sydney Schaffer] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Cheyenne Mahnke] Ball handling error by Cheyenne Mahnke. Point MARIAN 16-17
[Maggie Meyer] Kill by Averi Lanman (from Skyler Van Note). Point MARIAN 16-18
  Timeout Midland.  
17-18 [Maggie Meyer] Kill by Taliyah Flores (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Hope Leimbach] Kill by Madison Brooks (from Katie Hardegree). Point MARIAN 17-19
18-19 [Lexi Spence] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Taliyah Flores] Attack error by Lauryn Samuelson (block by Skyler Van Note; Averi Lanman). Point MARIAN 18-20
[Skyler Van Note] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer. Point MARIAN 18-21
[Skyler Van Note] Attack error by Brooke Fredrickson. Point MARIAN 18-22
19-22 [Skyler Van Note] Kill by Brooke Fredrickson (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
20-22 [Delanie Vallinch] Attack error by Michaela Hoffa. Point MIDLAND
[Delanie Vallinch] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer. Point MARIAN 20-23
21-23 [Gianna Feld] Kill by Cortlyn Schaefer (from Hope Leimbach). Point MIDLAND
[Jessie Moss] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer. Point MARIAN 21-24
[Katie Hardegree] Attack error by Cortlyn Schaefer (block by Jai-Lyn Norwood; Michaela Hoffa; Madison Brooks). Point MARIAN 21-25
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